Mimi Moslares

Oct 21, 20214 min


Updated: May 12, 2023

The pandemic has had an enormous impact on employees and workplaces. All sorts of businesses have sent their teams remotely, if not closed their doors. Two years into the pandemic, people have started to notice the pitfall’s long-term implications. The well-being and emotional threats dragged owners and employees to a losing end because of the many consequences the pandemic brought. Although for some, it is safe to say that the pandemic had its way of being beneficial when it comes to working remotely, for the most part, it has become a tumult of emotions that’s slowly eating them away.

According to a study by Kings College London, when people don’t feel well, they are most likely to be hesitant, unproductive, uninspired, and their performance deliberately fails. A survey also claimed a 16.85% scale of people’s psychological condition changes, for most, depression, due to the pandemic.

When you are in a remote work setting, there’s a battle of ups and downs. For a remote team, it is ideal to come up with propositions to keep the team revitalized. Working remotely can be good but let’s not scratch the idea of stress. Whether stressed at work or home, everyone deserves a little fun time to do away with those maddening feelings. In 2021, things seem to get a little better: some of the travel restrictions are being lifted, people are getting vaccinated, businesses are rising again, and people are slowly getting back on track like usual. But for people in remote teams, getting back on track means virtually enjoying activities they usually do pre-pandemic.

The Origin of Halloween

Halloween is a holiday celebrated every year on October 31st. Halloween 2023 lands on a Tuesday. Halloween originated from the ancient festival of Samhain, where people put up bonfires and wore costumes believing that it would fend off ghosts and otherworldly spirits. Transpiring from its spine-chilling history, Halloween became a day when everyone gathered and had fun. Halloween has been associated with activities and objects such as “Trick-or-Treat,” “Jack-o-Lanterns,” “Skeletons,” and more. This year, I have gathered the coolest virtual Halloween activities that you and your remote team will be thrilled about. Check them out in the next section!

Fun Halloween Activities to Do with Remote Team

Even when working on a remote setup, you definitely can’t miss out on Halloween 2023 with the Remote Team! If you hear me, start picking out fun virtual Halloween activities with your remote team from below.

Book a Virtual Halloween Party Experience

The “new normal” somehow means to live in a virtual bubble. Virtual parties are a trend right now, and I understand why. I mean, what’s not to love about having to do a fun activity like sending out kits to the remote team for Halloween 2023? Our fantastic group, Kits by Food Craft, hosts virtual parties inclusive of DIY Kits already! If your remote team is up for some exciting activities, Kits by Food Craft offer:

Halloween Cookie Decorating

Get everyone hooked on decorating freshly-baked Halloween cookies, and share the remote team’s creations in a virtual group photo! Not only that, but you can also book this virtual experience for your family on Halloween night. We guarantee you, that everyone will never get over the experience, especially the kids!

Halloween Candle-Making Night

On Halloween, candles are essential. Luckily, Kits by Food Craft offers a virtual event where your remote team can unleash their crafty candle-making skills and set the remote team’s Halloween mood with candles, a cup of drink, and stories!

Kits by Food Craft also offers a variety of virtual activities, custom virtual parties, or send special kits as your trick-or-treat that will make the remote team go gaga!

Virtual Jack-o-Lantern Contest

Unleash your remote team’s carving skills by letting them participate in this fun game. Carving pumpkins is a pretty regular thing for Halloween but put a twist to it by choosing the winner with the scariest creation!

Virtual Halloween Costume Party

Aaah! The best part of Halloween (no offense to trick-or-treating), dressing up! Lead the remote team to wear the best costumes they have and showcase them to everyone. If you don’t have something yet in mind, check out these amazing Halloween costume inspo from Food Craft and let us know what you think!

Remote Halloween Movie Marathon

When Halloween comes, you know it’s when the best Halloween movies come to life. Collect a Halloween movie suggestion from everyone to share virtually or create a list of the best classic and modern Halloween movies for your marathon. And prepare to hear your remote team scream or (laugh)!

Spooky Mixology Party

To celebrate Halloween 2023 is to participate in a virtual spooky mixology class. I mean, the goal is to get tipsy after all! Send the remote team Spooky Mixology kits from Kits by Food Craft, and fire up Halloween 2023, creating concoctions that will make everyone spooked in a tipsy way while exchanging Halloween storytime with co-workers!

Halloween Story Time

As someone who enjoys watching and listening to spooky stuff, letting your remote team narrate haunting stories would hit the right feelings about Halloween. Whether from a personal experience or a bizarre story from your childhood, storytime time never gets old.

Don’t let Halloween 2023 go by without celebrating it with the remote team. Even when everyone is working at home, Halloween 2023 should be a day to look forward to. Halloween is a particular time for unique, fun, and a little gripping activity that you and your remote team can participate in. Remember, if you want more options on how you can celebrate Halloween 2023 with a remote team, Kits by Food Craft, a multicultural women-owned business, is packed with awesome virtual activities you can book anytime, all year round!
